Our Process

Quality Control

Regulations and protocols are taken to ensure the safety and quality of our products.

  • Quality control is an essential part of all Soil Seed and Water processes. If quality control is not taken seriously when performing the composting process, pathogens such as Phytotoxicity, fusarium, pythium, verticillium, and Rhizoctonianitroge, Additionally, other consequences include nitrogen starvation and root oxygen reduction severely affect the integrity of the plant. At soil seed and water extensive analysis is performed to be able to ensure the safety of the product as well as the quality.

  • Soil Seed & Water's testing and analysis is performed routinely and includes:

    • Temperature
    • Moisture
    • CO2 and Water PH Levels
    • C:N Ratio
    • NPK, Macro and Micro-nutrients
    • Electrical Conductivity
    • Microbial Activity
    • Unsafe Chemicals
    • Heavy Metals